Monday, February 27, 2012

Six Months and Counting

Fastelavn boller!

February 6th was a huge milestone because it marked my sixth month here in Denmark! It was a huge revelation to realize I have spent half a year in this amazing country, and it also made me quite sad because it reminded me now that I only have about 5 months left in Denmark. I made a vow to myself to live it up even more than I already have! February also marked the Danish tradition of Fastelavn. The best way I can describe this holiday is a happy Halloween. Little kids dress up in costumes and come around singing for candy and money. There is also a usually a piñata that is made out of a barrel filled with candy. Back when the tradition first started in the beginning of the 1800s they actually used to put a cat inside! Poor kitty...

Fastelavn fest at school. (:

This past week my school had winter holiday. The week was well spent relaxing, hanging out with my host family and friends, and getting a head start on the next weeks homework. Yesterday (Sunday) we had a welcome meeting in my district for the Winter 2012 team, my newbies! There are only ten of them, compared to the 35 of us that arrived back in August but it was fun talking to them and realizing that was us not to long ago. They were incredibly sweet though and I can't wait to go on EuroTour with them!

This is inbounds (S11 and W12), outbounds for '12-'13, some rebounds, host families, club counselors, club presidents, and district chairs. We have about 45 exchange students in 1440!!

Now that I'm back to school, my class is really looking forward to our upcoming trip to Manchester, England.  We'll leave early in the morning on March 18th, and then return late on 23rd. It should be a fun five days. I promised I'd help translate for them if I have to, since they translated a lot for me in the beginning. Soon after I return from Manchester, I leave on the 28th for Prague. My school choir and band is participating at a competition there! We're going to take a bus…so it should be interesting. We'll return on the 1st of April  ready to start Påskeferie (Easter/Spring Holiday)!

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something! But I think I got most of it. (:
I hope you have a great next month! I'll probably post again in April on Manchester and Prague.

Vi ses!
♥  Kelsea Jo


  1. Hey I've been following your blog for a while, and I just found out that I will be going to Denmark in August with Rotary!!! I was wondering how you went about starting to learn the language? I've looked at a couple books and might order one off of amazon.

  2. Hej Jenn! Tillykke. (: You'll have a great time here, it's a fantastic country! Honestly I tried doing some research online, and finding websites since I didn't want to pay a lot of money. But in the end I gave up and waited for immersion. I will admit though, I am not very good about practicing or forcing myself to speak Danish. I've been here 7 months (almost) and I wish my Danish was better, that I had pushed myself more. I can definitely give you some of the links I've received from my Danish teachers over here if you would like. (:

  3. Heeeeej Kelsea!
    Er super glad for at læse du har det så godt her i Danmark!
    Jeg vil helt klart "anbefale" dig i mit næste blog-indlæg da jeg kan se der også er folk fra USA og andre forskellige lande der læser min blog, hvis det er okay?
    Forresten hvornår tager du på turen rundt i Europa? Vi skal nå en masse møder inden vi begge forlader Danmark

    P.S Jenni, Kelsea speak AMAZING danish, and she also did after only 5 month! ;)

  4. Heeeeeeej søde!! <3
    Nåh, du ved jeg elsker Danmark!! Hvorfor kan du lide til anbefale mig? Jeg er ikke så godt til skrive her....but I would be honored!!
    Jeg har EuroTour på dent 18. maj til den 4. juli. Vi skal har en stor fest aften før jeg rejser!! <3

  5. Du laver en fantastisk blog! Så selvfølgelig vil jeg lige nævne dig i mit næste indlæg! <3
    Okaaaay, men bare du lover mig at vi ses til en masse møder inden, også håber jeg du får en god tur!
